Call for Extended Abstracts

This one-day pre-conference on platformization of news seeks to answer, in light of previous research in critical political economy of international news flow, questions about the circulation of online news through platforms. We invite extended abstracts (of no more than 800 words) pertaining, but not limited to, the following topics:

  • How can we imagine a “free and balanced circulation” of online news which would not be market-oriented or politically-controlled by States, but empowering for citizens and public debate?
  • In what ways does algorithmic control over the circulation of news influence public debate?
  • Do YouTube and other platforms actively contribute to information diversity? If so, in what ways, to what extent and with what limits? Do newer platforms such as TikTok or Snapchat contribute more to news diversity than more established platforms?
  • How has the pandemic altered our understanding of the domination of platforms over news flows?
  • What opportunities exist to resist or reform the grip of global platforms over the circulation of news? Do citizens/consumers support of restrictions or limitations on that influence?

 **Keynote speakers: Emily Bell (Columbia University) and Bruce Mutsvairo (Utrecht University)**


Submission instructions

Upload an extended abstract of no more than 800 words (excluding references) until the 24th of February 2022 via this webpage's form 'Abstract Submission' (note that you need to register at this site first) or e-mail your abstract to Alan Ouakrat:

Abstracts will be assessed by members of the scientific committee and outcomes will be communicated by the 15 of March 2022.

General registration for this pre-conference will open at the ICA website on the 21st of March.

Full-length manuscripts (for discussants to provide feedback on) are due via this webpage's form 'Manuscript Submission' by the 6th of May 2022.


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